Physical Ability Tested!
That's what he said, but what I heard was, "Gosh you're fat, lose weight and you might get a job and keep it." It stuck with me and I went and lost 100 pounds. (Put on back 20 though). I ran and walked and climbed stairs consistently for that test for a year and 3 months now.
So today I took the test, and passed it. I didn't have to do one thing over. There is a ladder climb, in which you climb a ladder and retrieve an object. There was also a dummy drag where you have to pull a 75lb bag across a floor for 3 minutes and can't stop. Next was the obstacle course, jumping over tables, unlocking cell doors, crawling under tables. After that was a stair climb, had to go up and down a flight of stairs 3 times with a 20lb weight belt on. Finally was the quarter mile run where at the end you have to handcuff a person.
I did each one - and did them well for my standards. And of course, as good as I feel I don't even care that I was still one of the last ones - made me feel like I was in Jr High all over again, hoping not to get picked last for basketball! Darn PE.
I really worried that after this was all over I'd want to go and screw up this weight loss thing and say well it's over now you can just go eat. I don't want to do that, (not permanently anyway, cuz i will eat today).
It's really weird how the smallest things can put life into perspective. I am down here training with every federal law enforcement agency in the United States - ICE, DOD, OSI, CBP, USCP, USMS, ATF - you name it, they're here. All I thought of was that dumb test and almost forgot that I am serving the greatest institution, (the church) in the greatest worldly institution, (the United States Governement). As a representative of such, I need to step up every area of my life. I've been watching these Marshalls and Secret Service guys and I don't think I could do what they do, but I want to please Jesus as much as I can with every area of my life and I will go to the grave with that philosophy.
Yet the real thing that put my life in persective, after realizing how silly all the worrying over that *%$# test was, was remembering that my wife and kids were 2000 miles away praying and cheering me on like I was in the Boston Marathon. Not only would I not want to, but i don't think I could make it through life without those 6. They make me smile, they make me soft, they make me stay on my knees and in thankful submission to the Lord Jesus Christ. I love you guys, I'll be home soon.
Did I say 6?
CONGRATS! I'm so proud of you!
love ya,
Great Job and no one is more proud than your fam. Becca called to give me the great news. and by the way congrats!!!
Not sure if you remember me or not. You look awesome, your weightloss is an inspiration to me. Congratulations on the test, on expecting another baby and all of your accomplishments. I am proud of you!!
good job lonnie, hit me up at sometime
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