Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Fat and the Skinny

So I'm at 262 in case anyone is wondering. I still exercise my butt off. I still eat 1300 calories a day. I still am fat. I have lost 86 freaking pounds and am still fat. I can't believe it. People may say ohh you're in a 3x now, good job or my you're not as big as you use to be, but darn it, and i mean darn it, i am still fat. I hope to lose 30 more pounds and I will be overtly happy. 230, that's the goal. I don't ever want to be rail thin, but I wanna be out of the fat pig, close to a heart attack category. I'm working man, just not there yet.
The skinny on my life is that we are still waiting to hear from FCC Yazoo City, MS. This is the process thus far - I requested an application from the BOP in May, the day after I graduated from MBTS. I had to call 3 times, email 3 times, and anxiously wait another week until I received it. The application was complete by July. I was told in August that FCC Yazoo City wanted to have my file forwarded for the next step in the application process. I was then interviewed in Kansas City 2 weeks ago. It took 3 hours. I was told I interviewed excellent and they Fed Exed my file that day to Mississippi. The regional director told me that if I hadn't heard anything by September 5 to call them. I have called once already and have also called the regional director that overseas chaplaincy in Mississippi as well as the supervisory chaplain in Yazoo City to no avail! So everyday I hope to get a call that hasn't come so I can go one small step further in the process.. I thought the deal was done, but there still is a chance my file could wind up in the ole trash can. Going crazy here, moreso everyday.


Blogger b smiles said...

Ever the pessimist. You see rain, I see rainbows. xoxoxyzlvb

2:53 PM  

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