Unjust War?
One thing that keeps being said about this administration is that they are guilty of being involved in an unjust war. If it were possible, if one could just for a moment remove personal politics from this idea I wonder if the judgment would hold. First you would have to ask yourself was the war on Hitler just because the situation is the same. The atrocities, the innocent bystanders and the devastation of countries. Really, any number of parallels could be used and the question remains - is war on a country just because of an evil leader. Surely no one would doubt the agressiveness and inhumane practices of Hussein and his Ba'ath party. Forcing people to submit to their ways or be shot dead in the street. Has Bush ever walked the streets of New York with the national guard and shot any who would not become Christians? No I don't think he has but this was the way of Hussein until our administration stopped him. We talk about the people from Iraq who have died in recent years as a result of wanting this brutal religious group to stay in power, but somehow forget that if we left, these people would go on doing what they have done since Saddam forced his way into power (just read his history this isn't opinion) and that is kill people unmercifully and make Iraq another home of genocide like Rwanda and Darfur.
Why is that we so quickly forget that all Hussein had to do was submit to the IAEA to avoid war and he didn't. Now who's more wicked, a man who wants to stop nutjobs like Hussein and Ahmadinejad from having nuclear capabilities or men who would go to war just to spite authority. I know which one gets my vote.
Is there such a thing as a just war? Is there war where innocents are killed, I don't think so. All war is "unjust" but it isn't because President Bush is the commander in chief or because a republican is leading the way. The question has to be is the cause worth the sacrifice. Yes I "unmercifully" am speaking of the sacrifice of innocent lives. This is the ultimate question of any war. The cause of the current situation in Iraq is a safer world, whether it is the removal of supposed weapons of mass destruction or the removal of a wicked dictator, this cause is true. Is it just to go to war with Iran for this reason? Was it just to get involved in european affairs while Hitler was spreading terror throughout it?
The Bible isn't against war. There are many records of it. God is described in the Old Testament as the Lord of Armies. Jesus wasn't a passifist, in case you've forgotten he's coming back to wage war. Unlike the gaither songs describing a "linger longer" in the sky at his return, the book of Revelation describes him as a general, coming commanding armies for the sole purpose of world domination. (Yes I am purposely using this terminology knowing some are getting mad thinking of Jesus in this sense)
Do you really think this war is unjust? Are you really that good of a president and or military strategist to know more than men who have YEARS of experience as do General Tommy Franks, General Colin Powel, Don Rumsfeld, and yes our President, George W. Bush whom God has appointed. Yes, appointed, just read Romans 13.
I for one would vote with no question to muzzle the media and the stench of Hollywood concerning this war and life in general. I feel like vomiting anytime I here George Clooney, Susuan Sarandon, or Danny Glover mouth off about things they know nothing about. I despise, MSNBC (except MSNBC Investigates), I hate Fox news, and I've had it up to here with CNN. You know what's even worse? I feel the same way about men, who aren't men by the standards of the Gospel, like Tony Campolo who speak with no backbone but rather a desire to be acknowledged as if he was running for class office in High School and at the same time claim to speak on behalf of God.
Why, oh why, do people speak out of their booties? You know what that produces? Smelly gas. Stinky, repulsive, rude flatulence. This is really how I feel about people who have the audicty to talk about something without really weighing all the consequences, without considering the bigger picture and especially, without checking the word of God honestly. So go on and fart Campolo, pass gas Glover, all you're doing is stinking up our country.
Unjust war? A world without Nuclear Weapons is no longer possible, but we darn sure better fight to make sure no one else gets them. All war is unjust, but there is a just cause that must be fought for at any price, and if Christians do have a responsibility to humanity apart from a missional one, then that responsibility is the good of the greater. This is the exact opposite view of anyone or anything coming out of hollywood and popular christianity.
God give me eyes to see your just cause
I used to believe in love. Now I believe in THIS! Oh shit, I just dropped my heart.. AWWW IT'S GOT HAIRS ON IT! AWWWW-HAA NAAASSSTTYY!
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