Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Give me the truth...as you see it!

Truth. TRUTH. TrUtH. You know what, it's still truth regardless of what it looks like. The problem is, too many people don't know what it looks like and if it came up and spit in their face they would ask who was that. This is true, more true, and most true in the American church. The Royal Guard of truth has fallen asleep on his watch and a pretty little princess called postmodernism came in and seduced him. Blast that Dark Side, don't give in Luke. Here's what the crap I don't understand. Calvinism, Armenianism, new perspective, pentecostal, baptist, presbyterian, emergent church (in a gay tone, "it's not a denomination, it's aconversation" (liar)), your church, my church, blah blah blah, what the he@# happened to us? Where did we go wrong. Even us, the royal guard, we forgot what we were guarding. We fight over truth in our own ranks more than we defend it from the enemy and as a result the enemy is spreading his truth.
Well I could go on all day with a bunch of philosophical crap but someone tell me what this passage has to do with the current situation in America:

John 8:31-32 31 So Jesus was saying to those Jews who had believed Him, "If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." (NAS)

Is this possible? Is it arrogant to claim to know truth? Are classical models of interpretation sufficient? Is Dunn, Sanders, and now Wright with their new perspective just the start of the second coming of the same old Cavalry? Should we allow the emergent church to kill us?

How in the Heck do we establish a reputable epistomolgy in light of the fact that we, the Church, killed truth? And if we can't do this, can we be what Jesus wants us to be? That's my comment, that's my question, that's what keeps me awake at night


Blogger big african said...

will set = future. Can we know? I don't know. That really is a troubling question. I do think however that if you know truth you will ive it. It will guide you and you will always be under its conviction. We might lie occassionaly because we are still sinners, but it doesn't mean we don't live under the "banner of truth"
This is the deal with what was being argued on Mike's blog. If there is no standard and all is relative, how can anyone live the truth if they can't know the truth that will set them free. There has to be a standard

1:32 PM  

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