Goodbye Cruel World
My dad told me when I turned thirty that he had lots of memories in his twenties and the same was true of his forties, but he couldn't even remember his thirties. People say that the thirties are but a blink of the eyes. This may be true for most, but the "horrible" past three years has provided a way for me to beat the system. Ha-ha time I beat you, I slowed it down by establishing some memories that will be as weighty as those in my 20's. Now all I have to do is not die in the next 7 years.
So at 33 I am just starting my life. A little nervous though cuz this kid has 5 kids and a wife. A little excited too cuz this kid is still a kid, but my body has managed to age considerably because of the massiveness of my person. I like life. I love life. I am thankful to God everyday for this life and I think this is something he delights in - his children enjoying his world and the hope of the world to come. So I will rejoice. I know I will die, I know sickness will always be at my door, I know that tragedy is one step away. I know people are starving, being murdered and tortured all over the world, and I know there are atrocities all over the world that words cannot describe at any given moment of any given day.
I also know Jesus. I know he is my Lord and my savior and because of that I will rejoice. Maybe I don't know what it's like to be at the bottom of a pit that was called a prison in Paul's day, but I know heartache and pain and I am aware of the state of the world - too aware, and I know that everything will be alright because Jesus Christ suffered a slave's death in my stead. I got no complaints, I got no worries
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