Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Stranger Things Have Happened

So we're moving to Fremont, Nebraska. How's that for a surprise. No Prison there, just friends. We are going to plant a Church. It's kind of strange the way it happened, God strange that is. If you're interested you can call me and I'll tell you how it all came about, I'd rather tell it than write it. So we need you to pray, it's a leap of faith for us.
Down to 246 in case you're wondering, that'2 102 pounds, 90 since the end of May. I went from a 5-6x to a 2x. I was wearing a 62 jacket when I graduated from seminary and will be wearing a 50 for my first day in Nebraska. Thanks for praying, needed it and still do.


Blogger b smiles said...

Nice to see you again, Dreamy. Especially in that jacket...

10:43 AM  
Blogger chewp said...

congrats BDD, man, glad to hear you are losing weight, that is awesome. Good luck in Nebraska bro.

3:18 PM  
Blogger big african said...

miss ya chewp

10:44 PM  
Blogger chewp said...

me to homie, leave your number here, or email it to, I have been having troubles with my yahoo account and thats where I have all my contact info

12:07 PM  
Blogger Gerald said...

Whoa Nelly.

I'll give you a call next week sometime.

1:07 PM  

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